Quotes on “Expectations from new government” on behalf of few Indian Startups:

Rashi Gupta, Co-founder & Chief Data Scientist at Rezo.AI – “A stable government at the centre will ensure the successful and speedy implementation of more than 150 schemes and policies that the BJP government introduced for the startups. We applaud the NITI Aayog’s plan to create an institutional framework for artificial intelligence (AI) in the country. We look forward to the next 5 years of the new government and are positive that it will continue its focus and support to the startup ecosystem; especially to give a push to adoption of AI in India.”

Neel Juriasingani, CEO & Co-founder, Datacultr – “We welcome BJP again as the Government of India. In the past five years, the government has shown tremendous interest in the startup ecosystem of India and has made several policies to make it easier for entrepreneurs to launch new businesses and create jobs. Numerous startups have forayed into the various unexplored sectors and have given a new shape to the economy of India. Now, with BJP coming again, we foresee a multi-fold growth of the entire gamut of the startup network with all the stakeholders leveraging the change in the ecosystem. With the vision of moving towards Smart Cities, Fintech, AgriTech and Smart Industries, the government of India has been a great support for startups. ”

Ashutosh Harbola, CEO & Co-founder, Buzzoka – “The re-elected government will have a lot more on their shoulder as new India has higher expectations this term. While digital India saw a mammoth growth in the last term, we expect the same to continue with higher investments in Digital India etc. Also, on the front of ease of doing business, the government took some major steps last term and we expect even simpler processes should be implemented. And finally, on the GST front, I would appeal the government to introduce simpler filing processes for startups and MSME’s.”

Sanjay Sharma- Founder & Managing Director, Aye Finance – “The 68 million grassroots businesses in India which have been making significant contribution to the National GPD, need a continued benevolent approach from the Government. The Government Policies need to focus on creating a supportive ecosystem which empowers micro enterprises to create globally competitive products rather than granting loan waivers which only leads to dependency and inadequacy in the sector. While a lot of work has been done by SIDBI & RBI, we need more efforts in this direction to develop a more sustainable and robust sector.”

Manish Khera, Founder and CEO, Happy – “As our nation has recently celebrated the festival of democracy with massive fanfare, people are eagerly anticipating the results to see towards which direction the nation is now going to sail. We in startup community believe that all of our political representatives have a great responsibility over their shoulders. Startup India initiative that got a lot of fuel in the last term needs to be steered well. They have to positively contribute towards policy-making and drive the much-needed reforms. Sustained and calibrated efforts have to be taken to resolve any challenges that might come up timely and prevent our embryonic market from their direct repercussions.”

Vivek Tiwari, MD and CEO, Satya MicroCapital – “Start-up enterprises are going to play a vital role in the success of the country. To boost the start-up ventures in India, Government should aim at facilitating ease of business to start ups which can be done through easy compliances and tax holidays. In addition to this Government should target to arrange easy and low cost funds’ access to start ups through specially focussed funds as well as relaxed guidelines for FDI for start-ups. Since Start-ups will play an important role in generating employment in the country as well, Government should also frame incentive schemes for start-ups for providing subsidies in various forms,”

Yogesh Bhatia, CEO at PreLoved Device – “As a startup we are expecting a very smooth and feasible ecosystem from the coming government, so that startup like us run their business without any administrative obstacles and we welcome new government, on behalf of all startups industry.”

Kartik Agarwal, CEO at Staunch – “We welcome Modi government again, in last 5 years government has launched more than 150 schemes and policies for the startup community interest. Further pushing the Indian youth to look at start-ups as a viable career option, the government launched Fund of Funds worth INR 10,000 crore whereas NITI Aayog launched the Atal Innovation Mission to foster innovation among budding entrepreneurs at the grassroots level. Now, with BJP coming in power again, we have a huge expectations ranging from Clarity on angel tax to tax exemptions on ESOPS, easing active compliance norms and state level funding & infrastructure support.”

Kushal Nahata, CEO & Co-founder at FarEye, “While initially, India’s start-up ecosystem was largely dominated by consumer-facing companies, B2B ventures are finally finding their feet now. India added 2,300 B2B start-ups in the last 5 years. With the increased focus and support from the BJP government, we are certain that the next 5 years will bring immense opportunities and growth for start-ups in fast-growing sectors like Logistics-tech, Agritech, Fintech, and Healthtech, et al. The government should include regulations that will drive organizations to digitalize key logistics and supply chain processes. For instance, by mandating digitalization of certain key accounting, billing and logistics processes the government can ensure greater levels of compliance, at the same time organisations can improve efficiency. We also expect the government to build integrated transportation hubs or Multi-Modal Logistics Parks that foster an invigorating ecosystem for logistics in India.”

Mr. Gaurav Gupta, Co-founder and COO of Navia Life Care – According to some researchers, Artificial Intelligence has the potential to double the size of our economy by 2025. The government has shown the willingness to promote this sector in the last budget. We expect a strategic plan to promote AI in various sectors, this would need close coordination of different ministries with Information Technology ministry and technology startups. Entrepreneurship has a potential to create millions jobs in the country, we hope this government will create policies where a conducive environment is created for innovation. True innovation needs capital, stakeholders’ willingness to try new products and strict policy implementation. Entrepreneurs expect more opportunities for raising high risk capital, there is a requirement that government PSU’s and its departments be willingness to use innovative products, lastly we need policies to be implemented for higher use of technology to make systems efficient and transparent, this will have a trickle down effect in adoption of technology and transformation of systems.